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We started our Bereavement group on 30th April 2019

Should you wish to be added to the waiting list for the Separation Group, we hope to run September 2019.
Please contact Catherine on 0526129143/ 0867528384
or e-mail catherine@clonmelcrc.ie

Rainbows at Clonmel Community Resource Centre

Our vision is that the grief experienced by children and young people in Ireland, following a significant loss in their lives through bereavement, parental separation or divorce, is recognised and that they are offered the understanding and support necessary to foster emotional well-being 


Core Values

Grief and loss are normal and natural
Grief and loss – a personal, individual journey different for every child and young person
The dignity of each individual’s grief journey is at all times respected
Participants are not approached directly to avail of the service – the service is offered in local communities
Children and young people are best supported within the family. Rainbows supports families at a time of loss
Children and young people are active, resilient participants in their own lives
Grief and loss can have a profound impact
Grief needs to be acknowledged and supported, not denied, buried or ignored
The emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people is fundamental to their future mental health and well being
Rainbows Ireland recognises the value of group support for children and young people, providing a process of normalisation and engagement with peers in similar situations

Who Is Rainbows for?
Children and young people experiencing grief and loss attend our programmes. The minimum age is 7 years of age and in First Class and the maximum age is 18 years.

Is there a charge?
Rainbows is a free service and funded by TUSLA.

Do I need a referral?
Parents/Guardians can self-refer into Rainbows. Referral letters from GP’s or other professionals are not required

Do I need consent of both parents?
Yes. It is the policy of Rainbows that the signature of both parents/guardians is required.

This is waived in the following circumstances:

• Court order that dispense with the need for consent

• Parent/guardian uncontactable or whereabouts unknown

• A parent has died

Please note that the parent completing the form certifies that all information is true and accurate and understands that they are solely responsible for the information provided

What happens in a Rainbow group?
During the 9 weeks of the programme children are supported to identify and express their feelings around their loss. Very often do not have the language to express their feelings.

The core of Rainbows group support is coming together with other children of a similar age and loss and identifying with each other’s feelings. This can be very supportive for a child and reduce any feeling of isolation. The activities of the programme are designed to support this process. Click here to find out more about the Programmes.
How can I support my child while attending the programme?
It is advisable not to question your child immediately after a programme session. • It is best to choose a more relaxed time to enquire how Rainbows is going for them. • Answer any questions your child may ask in relation to the loss in an age appropriate and truthful way. • Children may become upset. Do not be alarmed. This is a normal and a natural part of the group process. • Some children may not speak or want to talk about the programme at all. It is advisable to respect this and over time as a parent, you may notice some positive indications that your child is benefiting from the group support.


Please call us in confidentiality on 052-6129143
or e-mail catherine@clonmelcrc.ie


Clonmel Community Resource Centre


Contact Address

Kickham Lodge,
Kickham Street,
Co. Tipperary.

Phone: (052) 612 9143
Fax: (052) 612 85603

email: admin@clonmelcrc.ie